Division 1: Serpent Society Unnamed Rebel Alliance Lagg U Golden Bears EuroTwinks Division 2: The Zoo FootLocker UW_Wolf_Pack Hyperion EuroChallenge Buddies Division 1: Serpent Society Unnamed Rebel Alliance Vs. Unnamed At Serpent Vs Serpent At Rebel Vs Rebel At Unnamed Vs LaggU At LaggU Vs LaggU At Golden Bears Vs GB At Golden Bears Vs EuroTwinks At EuroTwinks Vs EuroTwinks LaggU Golden Bears EuroTwinks At Serpent Vs Serpent At Serpent Vs Unnamed At Unnamed Vs Unnamed At Rebel Vs Rebel At Rebel Vs GB At LaggU Vs LaggU At EuroTwinks Vs EuroTwinks At GB Division 2: The Zoo FootLocker UW Wolf Pack Vs FootLocker At The Zoo Vs The Zoo At Wolf Pack Vs Wolf Pack At FootLocker Vs Hyperion At Hyperion Vs Hyperion At EuroChallenge Vs EuroC At EuroC Vs Buddies At Buddies Vs Buddies Hyperion EuroChallenge Buddies At Zoo Vs Zoo At Zoo Vs FootLocker At FootLocker Vs FootLocker At Wolf Pack Vs Wolf Pack At Wolf Pack Vs EuroC At Hyperion Vs Hyperion At Buddies Vs Buddies At EuroC