INL sTaTbOy! Individual stats

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Here are the links to the stats and a breif description of what the stat means

min: Total minutes played
tpt: Total Planets Taken
tpd: Total Planets Destroyed
tpb: Total Planets Bombed
tab: Total Armies Bombed
tac: Total Armies Carried
pad: Percentage Armies Delivered
fao: Friendly Armies Ogged
eao: Enemy Armies Ogged
tof: Total/True Offense
eck: Enemy Carriers Killed
pck: Potensial Carriers Killed
tek: Total Enemies Killed
fck: Friendly Carriers Killed
def: Death by Enemy Fire
acc: Actualy Carriers Created
score: Your total score
basestats: Basestats

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This page is maintained by Jan Sandorf, any suggestions and/or comments should be sent to